
20+ Outdoor Art Activities for Kids – Busy Toddler

An 18 month old paints on an outdoor easel. How to build an outdoor easel (text)


Looking for the best outdoor art activities for kids? This list of 20+ art ideas for kids is dynamic, unique, and innovative: there’s not a blank white canvas in sight. This outdoor art list is filled with multi-age ideas for painting, collage making, chalk art, and other techniques perfect for backyard crafting.

More than 20 outdoor activities for kids.  Picture is a collage of 8 activities from the post.

What are the best outdoor art activities for kids?

The best art activities for kids are the ones that turn into an actual activity.

The ones that focus on the process not the process.

The ones that are great for a wide range of kid ages and ability levels.

The best outdoor art ideas aren’t necessarily the fanciest ones, but the ones that spark imagination, creativity, and independence from the kids trying them.

This list of art activities for kids is filled with 20+ ideas that will launch hours of outdoor play.

RELATED: Need more outdoor activities for kids? Try this list of 50+ ideas kids will love.

Tips for outdoor art activities

I know that art activities can be a little heart pounding.

Art in childhood is often a lot of supplies, a lot of mess, and little to show for it at the end (as in, the kids only try the art for a few minutes).

It doesn’t have to be that way. Instead, the activities on this list were picked for their ability to spark play and joy in a child, but without a mountain of supplies and prep work for the grown up involved.

The other factor with outdoor art is always the mess. How do you clean this up at the end? How do you make sure it’s not a disaster? How do you get it all put back together?

Here are my favorite tips for outdoor art activities for kids:

  • Give each child a wet wash cloth so they can clean drips, hands, and spills during the project.
  • Be close to a water source like a back yard hose or water table.
  • Think about your exit plan at the end. Before you start, have an idea how everything will get back inside.
  • Plan on kids having a bath or shower after the activity.
  • Remember to set a boundary before you start the fun so kids know the expectations.

RELATED: Wish you had a blueprint for summer vacation? Check out my free summer camp at home program for 6-weeks of ideas.

Free Summer Camp at Home

Download Busy Toddler’s free 6-week summer camp program for toddlers to elementary-age kids


What ages are these are activities for?

This is going to depend kid to kid, and their interest in art activities.

I had a child that was all in for art at age 2. She would have done most everything on this list. I have another who is 7 years old, but art isn’t his thing… the point being, judge more by the child than the age. Interest paints a much better picture than age.

But do note: These activities typically can be done in a multi-age setting. Think “stages not ages” when considering an activity for a child as needs and likes vary.

As you read through these ideas, be less concerned with the age of the children in the activity images and consider more your child, their abilities, and what they enjoy doing.

Jump to – the best outdoor art activities for kids

In no particular order, enjoy these 20+ outdoor art activities for kids. Remember to use good judgment and supervision with all activities.

A child places petals onto cardboard to spell their name.

Nature Name Collages

Gather your outdoor trimmings and turn them into name art. Kids love this chance to design their name using outdoor supplies.

Grated chalk on paper

Floating Chalk Prints

Love everything about this technique: craft sticks to grate chalk and beautiful multi-colored prints at the end. It’s fantastic.

A child stands at a canvas popping balloons full of paint.

Balloon Dart Painting

Ok, I know this has darts as a supply, but just consider it for your bigger kids. This is quite the amazing ideas and perfect for outdoor art.

A person hold 4 paint-sicles made out of layers of paint frozen in paper cups.

Paint Popsicles

I am absolutely obsessed with this method for making “paintsicles.” It’s at the top of our summer “must-try” list.

Two children paint ice cubes.

Ice Painting

Grab the ice cubes you have left over from a barbecue and let the kids paint them. The paint freezes when it hits the ice for a way cool effect (see what I did there?).

A final print of bubble art

Bubble Art

Kids love bubbles so you know this is going to be a hit! You could let them create whatever they want or add a little tape to the mix to create an interesting pattern/letter.

A wooden spoon splatters a paint soaked sponge

Splat Painting

Step back and watch for this one, trust me! Kids love getting to hit the sponges over and over again that you may want to stock up before summer as this will be on repeat.

A child rolls balls in a box with paint

Ball Painting

Grab a box, paper, paint, and some balls for a gross motor painting activity. These make the neatest prints!

Rocks painted with decorates like hello, smiley faces, and love.

Kindness Rocks

I love making these with my older kiddos and then walking around the neighborhood to “hide” them for others to find.  Often times we’ll find some that others have created which is real fun!

Two children work with chalk paint on a patio.

Chalk Paint

The absolute number 1 outdoor activity at our house: chalk painting. With just chalk and a grater or mesh colander, kids create their own powder for paint. It’s epic.

A child rolls cars throw paint to make track prints.

Painting With Cars

Definitely not a mess free activity but totally worth it! Have them clean the cars afterwards for an extra bonus activity…a BOGO you might say!

A child splatters paint with a pipette

Pipette Painting

So many painting options in this one! Make sure to water down the paint so it’s easier to “splatter” around.

Tape resist chalk art on a sidewalk

Mosaic Heart

These always turn out so cool and the kids love making them!

A child paint his name in large letters

Outdoor Name Art

My kids love this larger-than-life set up for painting their names. Block letters are magical, names are special, and painting outside is a hit: it all works!

A child uses flowers dipped in paint to paint on white paper

Painting with Flowers

This is a perfect activity for spring/summer as all the flowers are starting to bloom and the little ones will love getting to pick and paint with them. 

Negative paint: the outline of leaves on white paper

Leaf Mesh Painting

By taking a quick walk around the block and collecting some leaves, your child can create these vibrant nature themed prints.

A child on a swing paints on cardboard below her.

Swing Painting

The perfect activity for all kids! Combine painting and swinging to create fun one-of-a-kind pieces. 

Condiment bottles full of puffy sidewalk paint for kids to paint with.

Puffy Sidewalk Paint

A great option for kids who may not like the feel of chalk but still want to create with it.  Shaving cream and flour combine to make this 3D chalk paint that kids will love.

Three kids paint on a plastic playhouse. They are painting the actual play house.

Outdoor Toy Paint

This activity is our summer. My kids are painting outdoor plastic furniture all summer long. It doesn’t stay and it doesn’t get old.

Outdoor salt art in a mandala form on a sidewalk

Outdoor Salt Art

This takes some patience to create but the process is just as fun and beautiful as the end product.

A mud sculpture is created by a child.

Mud Sculptures

A great “structured” way to involve mud in imaginative play outdoors with your child.  It’s messy but the creations are endless so totally worth it!

Leaves and green paint on canvas to "camouflage" the art.

Camouflage Art

A super easy nature art activity that kids will love.  Not only do they make the art but then they can “hide” their work and see if it can be found.

Susie Allison, M. Ed

Owner, Creator

Susie Allison is the creator of Busy Toddler and has more than 2 million followers on Instagram. A former teacher and early childhood education advocate, Susie’s parenting book “Busy Toddler’s Guide to Actual Parenting” is available on Amazon.

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