
BLW Meaning (and Food Allergen Tips)



Learn the ins and outs of the meaning of “BLW”, or “baby-led weaning”, with tips for safety and allergy introduction.


This post is sponsored by SpoonfulONE.

BLW Meaning

The term “BLW” stands for baby-led weaning, the infant feeding method where we allow baby to take the lead on feeding themselves from an early age with appropriately prepared foods. As the style of feeding has grown in popularity, so has the idea that this is the “right” way to feed a baby.

It may help to remember that there are lots of ways to start solids and the only “right” one is the one that’s safe and works for your family.

Baby Led Weaning 6 Months

Introducing solids of any type is usually recommended around 6 months, or the time that baby is sitting mostly on their own and has good head control. This is also the time that the iron-stores that babies are born with typically start to run out, so we can offer iron-rich foods to ensure baby has enough.


How to Introduce Your Baby To Potential Food Allergens

Whether starting baby on purees or with the BLW-style of feeding, the recommendation is to introduce common food allergens early and often—which multiple studies have shown can decrease food allergy risk.

(Food allergy rates have doubled over the past 10 years, so having a plan for potentially allergenic foods is really important.)

Which means you’ll want to include them right from the start regularly, unless there are risk factors such as eczema or a family history of food allergies. Talk to your own pediatrician or allergist for information specific to your child.

One of the easiest ways to do this consistently is to use SpoonfulONE—their products include Mix-Ins, which can be added to formula or breastmilk in a bottle or any baby food puree; Puffs; and Oat Crackers. Each contains a small amount of the 16 food proteins associated with more than 90% of food allergies including peanuts, milk, shrimp, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans, pistachios, walnuts, egg, cod, salmon, oats, wheat, soy, and sesame.

SpoonfulONE is a super simple way to include these foods into our kids’ diets regularly…especially if you don’t use these foods in your usual cooking.

The products work in the tummy by helping to introduce common food allergens early during the immune system’s development. The precisely portioned amount of proteins (30mg) in each serving is large enough to safely increase the production of IgG4 (good, protective antibodies). Plus, they’re recommended by more than 3,000 pediatricians.

toast with peanut butter and jam on plate

Recipes that Include Common Food Allergens

We also try to include as many of these foods in our meals as we can through easy recipes including the ones below.

How to Serve Nuts to Babies and Toddlers

Below is the method for making nut powder, plus links to my favorite recipes that include nuts, nut butters, and seeds. Nutrition will vary depending on how much you use. Info here is per tablespoon.

Get the recipe

So Easy Peanut Butter Puree

This fluffy peanut butter puree should have the consistency of yogurt and be easy for a baby to move around in their mouths. Remember to offer just a little at a time.

Get the recipe

peanut butter puree in small bowl with baby spoon
Easy Egg Yolk Puree (with BLW option)

This is an easy method to introduce eggs to baby, whether they’re starting solids on purees or with the baby led weaning approach. Adjust the number of eggs up or down as you like.

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Bread for Babies and Toddlers

Learn how to prepare and serve bread to babies and toddlers to maximize safety and nutrition.

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bread stacks on cutting board
Easy Pan-Fried Tofu (for Baby, Big Kids, and Parents)

Learn how to make tofu for babies and big kids with this easy pan-fried tofu recipe. It’s so easy and yummy that parents enjoy it too!

Get the recipe

pan fried tofu in skillet

Baby-Lead Weaning Safety Tips

Babies can eat a lot of foods, but not all of them, so there are some considerations to keep in mind when feeding any baby:

  • The food should be easy to hold and easily squished between your fingers.
  • Avoid foods that are choking hazards such as anything hard, round, chewy, or sticky.
  • Always make sure baby is safely seated in a highchair and is upright, rather than leaning back or reclined.
  • Avoid honey for babies under 12 months and avoid replacing formula or breastmilk with cow’s milk until over age 12 months.
  • You can offer some of a puree on a preloaded spoon, then hand it over to baby to feed themselves. This allows them to have control, but expands the options for the types of foods you can feed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does BLW mean? 

BLW stands for “baby-led weaning” or the style of infant feeding where baby takes the lead on picking up the food and putting it into their mouth.

Why is it called BLW?

The name grew in popularity after the publication of the book, Baby Led Weaning: The Essential Guide to Introducing Solid Food by UK author Gill Rapley a little over a decade ago.

How do I introduce my baby to baby-led weaning?

To start, secure baby in their highchair and offer one food for them to explore at a time. You can find some favorite baby-led weaning first foods as well as BLW breakfast ideas to get you started.


Favorite Baby Led Weaning Recipes

For some of our favorite BLW recipes to try, head to my library of baby food recipes.

Best Tips for Success

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