
Rescue the Pups: a fun fine motor activity for kids
It doesn’t get much easier than this fine motor activity – let’s rescue the pups with just a few simple supplies.
(Don’t you love when you have all the supplies for an activity you see online? It’s like having all the ingredients for a recipe you want to try and it just feels so GOOD.)
RELATED: Wondering what supplies I keep on hand? Check out my supply list (it’s not as much as you might expect).

It’s time to build the coolest little rescue the pups activity!
We are a big Paw Patrol family over here – this is a love that hasn’t vanished, and the little pup figurines are some of the best toy I have for my kids.
In this activity, I’m using them because I wanted this to be tailored to my son’s (4) interests. Your child can rescue anything that feels right to them.
(I love when you can make an activity fit your life!)

The quick and easy supply list:
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WANT TO WATCH ME MAKE THIS ACTIVITY? Check out the video on Instagram: CLICK HERE.

On your dish pan, weave tape across the top like a spider web. Think about your child’s hand size and dexterity when deciding how to set up the tape.
Carefully put the pups (or other toys) into the dish pan and cover with water (food coloring optional).
I set the dish pan into a larger storage container to hold any water mess that might spill out as my son worked to SAVE HIS PUPS!

The fine motor work out!!
Friends, this is a fine motor work out and a fantastic way to build grip strength in little hands.
My son used plastic tongs to grab the pups and transfer them to safety and it was NOT easy.
It is complicated to find the right angle and to use the plastic tongs to grab with.This is exactly the kind of work out his hands needed.
RELATED: Wondering about your child’s handwriting? Check out this post from an OT on the progression of handwriting skills.

Here’s why I love this kind of activity: it breeds more play.
My son rescued the pups twice and then moved on INTO INDEPENDENT PLAY WITH THOSE VERY PUPS.
This activity gave him a second to recharge and find his play. He grabbed these pups and off they went for some quality time together.
Without this activity, that wouldn’t have been on his docket for the day. Rescue the Pups rescued my son – he found his play with these old friends.

Rescue the Pups: it’s a 10/10
I can’t recommend this enough. Rescue the pups is a fantastic activity and definitely one worth setting up.

Susie Allison
Susie is the creator of Busy Toddler, with over 1.3 million followers on Instagram. She holds a B.A. in Elementary Education, taught Kindergarten and 1st grade, and is currently pursuing a Masters of Education in Early Childhood Education. Susie is the author of the Playing Preschool program and Busy Toddler’s Guide to Actual Parenting.

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