
Ghost Roll & Feed: Halloween Math for All Ages – Busy Toddler

Busy Toddler


GHOST ROLL & FEED: An amazing Halloween math activity that works for 3 ages of kids. Try this as a number recognition activity, addition activity and subtraction activity. A quick and easy learning activity from Busy Toddler


My creamer bottle is pulling overtime this week in this ghost roll & feed activity. It’s a simple Halloween math activity that worked for ALL THREE OF MY KIDS.

One activity – three ways. This was fantastic (or rather is fantastic since it’s been 2 weeks of ghost roll & feed fun and my kids are still playing).

RELATED: Looking for more Halloween activities to try? I’ve got tons!

Halloween activity with a creamer bottle, pom poms and dice


This is a pretty easy step one: its just a creamer bottle with a face drawn on it.

See? Told you it was easy!

My creamer bottle came white which made it extra perfect for this, but you can also paint a bottle if you need to.

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A Halloween math activity for kids

I dumped out my bag of pom pom balls and a grabbed my fabulous dollar store giant dice to get things started.


For my preschooler, I gave him one single dice and his job was to roll, identify the number he’s rolled, and put that many pom poms into the ghost.

A Halloween math activity for kids

This is such a fantastic way for him to practice:

  • Numeration: the rapid recall of a set of objects without having to count them (like how you know immediately that you’ve rolled a 6 on the dice)
  • One-to-One correspondence: touching and counting one object at a time
  • Value: Understanding that 6 = six of something (in this case, pom pom balls)

Pretty amazing how a child can learn all that just from some pom pom balls, a creamer bottle, and a dice – ghost roll & feed FTW.

A Halloween math activity for kids


For my kindergarten, her version of ghost roll & feed was about joining numbers together.

She rolled two dice, identify the numbers rolled, and join them together to feed the ghost the sum of the two numbers. So when she rolled 5 and 3, her job was to identify and count out 5 pom poms, then 3 pom poms and combine them into a group of 8 pom poms to feed to the ghost.

A Halloween math activity for kids

Again, she’s learning so unbelievably much from her version of Ghost Roll & Feed:

  • Numeration
  • Conceptual understanding of addition
  • Recognizing that addition means joining two groups to make a larger group

RELATED: Need more Halloween math? I love this idea from Days with Grey!


For my first grader, his job was to roll the dice and position the numbers into a subtraction sentence. This meant he needed to understand to place the larger number first in the sentence before finding the difference.

A Halloween math activity for kids

Just like with his siblings, he worked on so much math:

  • Conceptual understanding of subtraction
  • Procedural understanding of subtraction
  • Understanding the value of numbers and how to find the difference between two number
A Halloween math activity for kids

Ghost Roll & Feed – you really did a great job for us!

This was such a fun way to bring a little Halloween spirit into our math and make things so hands on.

Hands-on math is the best math for kids, and this roll & feed activity shows just how versatile it can be.

GHOST ROLL & FEED: An amazing Halloween math activity that works for 3 ages of kids. Try this as a number recognition activity, addition activity and subtraction activity. A quick and easy learning activity from Busy Toddler
GHOST ROLL & FEED: An amazing Halloween math activity that works for 3 ages of kids. Try this as a number recognition activity, addition activity and subtraction activity. A quick and easy learning activity from Busy Toddler


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