
Halloween Crafts for Kids – Busy Toddler

20+ Halloween Crafts for Kids: image is 8 Halloween crafts to try


Looking for the best Halloween crafts for kids? Check out this list of arts and crafts for the Halloween season. Try these ghost, spider web, monster, witch, bat, and pumpkin themed crafts for this spook-tacular season.

20+ Halloween Crafts for Kids: image is 8 Halloween crafts to try

Why do Halloween crafts with kids?

Halloween just screams crafting.

At least it does for me. Maybe that’s the former teacher in me coming out: I always loved a good Friday Halloween art project. The joy kids have during Halloween craft time is really something magical.

Even if you are the least crafty person to ever live, Halloween crafts with kids is special. And this list of ideas is the best place to find them.

RELATED: Need some Halloween activities for kids? Try my kids of the best Halloween ideas.

Can kids learn from Halloween crafts?


Kids can learn from anything. That’s the beauty and joy of childhood: learning is all around them.

Whether it’s learning about how liquid and air interact in a ghost paint, what negative space is, or the way salt absorbs paint: this list may be crafty but it’s also oozing with learning.

In craft projects, kids develop motor skills, visual discrimination, hand-eye coordination, and an understanding of the “season.”

Halloween crafts are a fun way to teach children vocabulary and buzz words for the holiday or build seasonal memories in a way that does cost an arm and a leg or a nap time.

RELATED: What activity supplies are fun to own at Halloween? Here’s a list of what I use in all my Halloween activities.

The list – the best Halloween crafts for kids

Remember, Halloween crafts are optional. Don’t feel pressured. Do crafts if you want to. Your child will be fine with or without Halloween crafts.

Ghost on black paper

Blow Painted Ghost

Grab a straw and some paint to create these funny little ghosts. The addition of the googly eyes adds a bit of emotion to the little guys and amps up the hilarity

Black paper with white ghosts

Ghosts in the Sky

Using pastels, kids can create these spooky, seemingly invisible ghosts that are only visible once paint is added. It’s a fun surprise every time!

Ghost white painted leaves

Leaf Ghosts

Grab a few leaves on your next outdoor walk to create some fun little ghosts. These are a perfect blend of fall and Halloween and is fun for both kids and adults.

Handprint that spells boo

Ghost Handprints

This project combines two things I love: handprints and simplicity. It’s definitely something that you can save just to remember those cute little hands.

Pink monster with 5 eye balls and feathers

Monster Collage

Set out some art supplies, get some glue and set your kids free to make their own little silly monsters. Easy and cute – done and done.

Frankenstein hand prints

Frankenstein Handprint Cards

What a fun way to use kids handprints! Send some Frankenstein cards to family and friends, and get ready for some funny responses.

Craft monster made from a paper cup

Paper Cup Monsters

Make a bunch of these with your kiddos and create your own little monster village. They are fun, silly, and easy – all the things that make a great project.

Monster Handprint Cards

Monster Handprint Cards

These are too cute! Kids can make these to hand out to friends and neighbors or even mail some to friends and family. Can you imagine opening one of these? What a joy.

Spider Web Tape Resist

Spider Web Tape Resist

Giving kids a large canvas to use makes this an activity that kids are obsessed with. After they are done and the paint is dry, remove the tape to reveal the hidden design.

Spider Web Suncatcher

Spider Web Suncatcher

These cute DIY decorations are not only easy to make, they also turn out really cool! They are beautiful, especially when the light streams through them.

Salt Painted Spider Webs

Salt Painted Spider Webs

Salt and water colors come together to make this magical project. It’s fun to watch the colors seep through the salt and the bright colors on black really pop.

Egg Carton Bats

Egg Carton Bats

Turn some used egg cartons into these cute little hanging bats. These would be cute hanging on a tree ready to greet trick-or-treaters.

Coffee Filter Bats

Coffee Filter Bats

Coffee filters for the win again! Using “Halloween” colors kids can create these adorable little bats. Would be cute to have a bunch hanging around as Halloween décor.

Torn Paper Witches Hat

Torn Paper Witches Hat

Create a fun and spooky witches hat using torn paper. This is also a great way to practice fine motor skills before kids are able to use scissors.

Salt Painted Witches Hat

Salt Painted Witches Hat

This salt painted witches hat is a super easy art project and one that you probably already have all the supplies for.

Black Cat Handprint Craft

Black Cat Handprint Craft

Not all black cats have to be spooky and these are an example of just that. Adding a few details to a handprint cut out, you can create the sweet looking little guys.

Nature Cat Collage

Nature Cat Collage

With a little help from your kids’ imagination and patience, found objects in nature turn into some cute cat collages. Every collage is different and fun in it’s own way.

Halloween Stamp Art

Halloween Stamp Art

This quick activity is a great use of those Holiday themed cookie cutters you have around. They are great for little hands and an easy way to practice pattern making, gross motor skills, and color mixing.

Halloween Rock Painting

Halloween Rock Painting

Painting on rocks is fun anytime, but adding a spooky theme adds to the fun. Wouldn’t this be fantastic to set outside with Jack-O-Lanterns?

Magic Paint Potions

Magic Paint Potions

These potion bottles are a 10/10! Household supplies and watercolors mix together to create a surprise chemical reaction and leaves behind these beautiful art pieces.

Squeeze Paint Pumpkins

Squeeze Paint Pumpkins

A great way to decorate pumpkins without having to carve them. This drip painting technique is really special.

Watercolor Halloween Art

Watercolor Halloween Art

The geometric designs of these paintings make them truly eye catching. This is a great combination of math, art, and Halloween.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the easiest Halloween crafts?

The ones you have the supplies for and are game to try. What’s easy for one person might be hard for another so only make decisions based on what you feel interested in trying.

How old should kids be for Halloween crafts?

Totally depends on the craft and the kid. Remember to think stages not ages when it comes to deciding what to try with your child. Think about them and their interests rather than going by arbitrary age restrictions.

What if I don’t like crafts?

Don’t do them! There are plenty of other Halloween-themed options to try.

Susie Allison, M. Ed

Owner, Creator

Susie Allison is the creator of Busy Toddler and has more than 2 million followers on Instagram. A former teacher and early childhood education advocate, Susie’s parenting book “Busy Toddler’s Guide to Actual Parenting” is available on Amazon.


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