Easy Strawberry Frozen Yogurt (No Ice Cream Maker!)

Easy Strawberry Frozen Yogurt (No Ice Cream Maker!)


This Strawberry Frozen Yogurt is super easy to make, filled with nutritious ingredients, and is so darn creamy! (Bonus: You don’t even need an ice cream maker to make it!)


Strawberry Frozen Yogurt

It’s really amazing how good homemade frozen yogurt can be—and all you have to do is dice up some berries and stir them together with a few other ingredients you might already have on hand! It’s creamy, flavorful, and fresh.

This is one of those recipe that I’ve been making for years, both for myself, and for my kids. I couldn’t get enough when I was pregnant in the summer and we often share it with friends during backyard dinners in the warmer months.

TIP: I love making this recipe when I have strawberries with really great flavor since that ensures that the final result will be most delicious.


Ingredients You Need

To make this easy frozen yogurt recipe, you’ll need:

TIP: The Greek yogurt really makes the texture in this recipe, so do use it over regular yogurt. And if you only have regular yogurt, see the Notes at the bottom of the recipe for details on how to make it work!

Step by Step Instructions

Here’s a look at the basic process. Scroll down to the bottom of the recipe for the full info.

  1. Add the ingredients to a freezer-safe container that has a lid.
  2. Stir together.
  3. Seal the lid and freeze.
  4. Let soften a bit at room temperature before serving.

TIP: This freezes hard, so you need to let it sit out a bit before you’ll be able to serve it. Mash it up a bit to break up any ice crystals—it should quickly become super creamy once you do that.


Strawberry Frozen Yogurt Recipe without an Ice Cream Maker

I love simple recipes and not having to haul out appliances, so all you have to do to make this recipe is to stir the ingredients together and freeze it. So easy!

(I actually do have an ice cream maker and have used it to make this, but the results are virtually the same without it, so no need to make a bigger mess!)


Tips for Making Homemade Frozen Yogurt

  • Freeze in individual portions if desired. They will soften faster at room temperature.
  • Try with other fresh berries like raspberries.
  • Freeze the mixture into popsicle molds if desired.
  • You could churn this in an ice cream maker and serve immediately for a soft frozen texture.
  • To make this with regular yogurt, simply place a little more than the recipe calls for into a paper towel-lined fine mesh sieve placed over a bowl. Let it drain for at least an hour (or longer) to let out some of the liquid and thicken the yogurt.
  • It’s possible that this will work just as well with Greek style nondairy yogurt. Please comment below if you try that out!
  • You may also like Strawberry Popsicles, Fudge Pops, Chocolate Banana Pops, and Instant Frozen Yogurt.

I love hearing how your kids like my recipes, so please comment below to share their feedback. I so appreciate each and every comment!

This post was first published June 2020.


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Strawberry Frozen Yogurt (Without an Ice Cream Maker)

  • Author:
    Amy Palanjian

  • Prep Time:

  • Total Time:
    4 hours 10 minutes

  • Yield:
    About 46 small servings 1x

  • Category:

  • Method:

  • Cuisine:


This freezes hard, so plan to let it sit at room temperature for 20-30 minutes before serving.

  • 2 cups plain whole milk Greek yogurt
  • ¼ cup honey or maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cups strawberries, stems removed and finely diced


  1. Stir together all ingredients until well combined. Taste it to adjust the sweetness as you like. (You may need a little more if your strawberries aren’t super flavorful.)
  2. Add to a freezer-safe container, seal the lid, and freeze for 4-6 hours or until just firm, or overnight.
  3. Let sit for 20-30 minutes before serving to soften. Stir and mash it up before serving for the creamiest consistency. (Doing that will break up any ice crystals that form.)


Freeze in individual portions if desired. They will soften faster at room temperature.

Try with other fresh berries like raspberries.

Freeze the mixture into popsicle molds if desired.

You could churn this in an ice cream maker and serve immediately for a soft frozen texture.

To make this with regular yogurt, simply place a little more than the recipe calls for into a paper towel-lined fine mesh sieve placed over a bowl. Let it drain for at least an hour (or longer) to let out some of the liquid and thicken the yogurt.

Double the recipe to make a larger quantity.

Store in the freezer for up to 2 weeks.

Keywords: strawberry frozen yogurt, homemade frozen yogurt


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