
Pom Pom Bath: The Best Bath Activity – Busy Toddler

Busy Toddler


POM POM BATH ACTIVITY FOR KIDS OF ALL AGES: Yes, Pom Poms can get wet. It'll be fine! This amazing rainy day indoor bath activity is THE BEST.

I’m not trying to oversell here, friends, but seriously. This was one heck of an amazing bath time activity. The kind that will go down in the easy toddler activity record books, which I’m sure is around here somewhere.

Grab your bag of pom pom balls. It’s about to get real awesome. Oh and stick around for some tips on how to clean-up this crazy easy activity.

RELATED: Need some fun bath time toys – check out my list!

A Pom poms in the bath activity set up.

Duh. You only need one supply.

Nothing is better than a super easy toddler activity and I’m not going to lie: I definitely rank activities based on how many supplies I needed to make it happen.

Well good news. You only need one supply to make this bath time activity happen.


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A child plays in a bath filled with pom pom balls

That’s all you need. Oh, I guess pom pom balls AND a bath tub. Ok fine – there are two supplies. Three, if you include water but I think that’s getting nit picky (insert cry laugh emoji).

I tossed my years old bag of pom pom balls into the tub with my daughter and she went nuts! Why wouldn’t she? This was so inviting, so awesome, and so unexpected!

She requested some cups for pom pom bath scooping.

And I was into it! Pom pom balls are seriously the best. They don’t get old.

A child plays in a bath filled with pom pom balls

Easy to set up, but how do you clean up?

I had NO idea you could get pom pom balls wet until my friend from Happy Toddler Playtime told me (she had this great pom pom scoop activity with water and I was like – hold the wet pom pom ball phone!).

Turns out, pom pom balls can get wet and they’re dry just fine!

A child plays in a bath filled with pom pom balls

A few pom pom bath clean up tips

To get them out of my tub, I used a colander. Once I get a good scoop, I smoosh them with my hand, squeeze, and push out the extra water.

Then I put those pom pom balls into a pillow case and tied the end with the rubber band. TRUST ME: do not for get the rubber band. It’s happened here…

The pillow case full of pom poms goes into the dryer. Those poms take their drying time – took me 3 dries on high but they are fresh and good as new.

A child plays in a bath filled with pom pom balls

Why didn’t I try this years ago?

This bath time activity was AMAZING. I’ve always been big into bath activities and pom pom ball activities so it was high time I put the two together.

And what a marriage it is!

Pom pom bath will go down as one of our favorite toddler activities ever – it’s just so simple, so easy, and so much fun.

Will you try this bath time activity at your house?

POM POM BATH ACTIVITY FOR KIDS OF ALL AGES: Yes, Pom Poms can get wet. It'll be fine! This amazing rainy day indoor bath activity is THE BEST.


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