
Let’s go big or go home: GIANT WATER BEAD SENSORY BIN.
Summer is the time for larger than life activities. I don’t make the activities rules, friends, I just live by them. Why just do water beads when you can do a GIANT WATER BEADS SENSORY BIN?
Now this is the stuff summer time dreams are made of.
RELATED: Looking for more outdoor activities? You’ve got to see this list!

It is the season of BIG
Like I said, summer is the season of OVERSIZED ACTIVITIES.
Some past examples:
If you aren’t super-sizing for the summer, when can you super size?
RELATED: Looking for the BEST outdoor toys for the summer? Check out my list!

Alright, let’s get going on water beads
If you aren’t familiar with water beads STOP AND READ THIS POST.
The short version: Water beads are a very cool (but not taste safe) sensory item. They start out the size of pin heads and grow all day.
They’re way cool to play with and the stuff summer dreams are made of.
Especially when you buy the GIANT sized ones too and make a GIANT WATER BEAD SENSORY BIN (hey wait, that’s exactly why you’re here).

The water beads I bought for this activity
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DISCLAIMER: Please use amazing adult supervision and judgment for water beads. They are NOT taste safe and a BIG TIME choking hazard.
ALSO ALSO: They are non-toxic and biodegradable (plus they shrink back down to their original size when they dry out).

I usually make small batches of water beans in my normal sensory bins or small bowls.
But not today.
Today is summer and summer means big (we’ve established that).
I grabbed the kiddie pool and tossed every last bead into the pool. I poured the ENTIRE CONTAINERS IN and set the hose on full blast.

Time to wait…
The hardest part of water beads is the waiting. They take a few hours to “grow.” There are directions on the back of the packaging for how much water to use per scoop of bead, but I didn’t consult the “recipe.”
I just went for it. All the beads. A ton of water.
I came back once during the day and added more water to keep my little babies growing.

It was finally time.
This is OPEN ENDED SENSORY PLAY at it’s finest. I set a bunch of items into the pool for my kids to use:
- Colanders
- Ice cube trays
- Bowls
- Scoops
There was no preconceived goal or idea. Play and have fun, and they rocked it all.

“What in the world is clean up like?“
I feel you with this question (I’m assuming you asked it).
Clean up isn’t as hard as you’d think. First, these are non-toxic and biodegradable so getting them on your grass isn’t going to kill anything (says the Lady on the Internet).
We play with them for almost a week before discarding them.
I let them dry out to as small as they can get back to, dump them into the trash, and bid them farewell.

That’s a wrap on giant water bead sensory bin
Have fun this summer taking things BIG.
You’ll never be disappointed with how big you go – kids love it.

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